When it comes to staying organized as a mom, stress and clutter are usually the biggest challenges we face.Between carpools, playdates, school events and after-school activities, our days as mothers are jam-packed with obligations. In fact, new studies suggest that working mothers have the most stressful jobs of any worker — even more so than working dads!
We get so caught up in the demands of our day that it often feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.
Not only is this challenging from a time management perspective but also from a stress-management perspective. The pressure of juggling kids, chores at home, work and other obligations can lead to persistent feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.
You might feel like you have no time or energy left over for a personal life or hobbies. But these things shouldn’t be optional for busy moms. For many people, hobbies provide an indispensable outlet for stress relief and creativity — two things that are in short supply when you’re constantly playing catch-up with responsibilities.
We all know we should do more of these things — but how? Here are some helpful ideas on how you can declutter your mind, minimize stress and get organized as a mom:
Make time for exercise
One of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce stress is to exercise.
When you feel overwhelmed and anxious, it’s hard to find the motivation to go for a run or hit the gym. But research shows that regular exercise can not only improve your mood but also lower your risk of anxiety and depression.
Exercise will help you achieve better sleep, increase energy levels, boost your immune system and more. If you currently don’t have time for exercise, start by making time for 5-10 minutes per day. It doesn’t sound like much but it will make a noticeable difference in your mood!

Breathe, meditate, and journal
Deep breathing is my GO-TO when I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It's something about actively making myself focus on my breath that really gives me no choice but to relax. Deep breathing gives your nervous system the message to calmmmm dowwnnnn.
Here's a visual how-to on 4-7-8 breathing for beginners!
Meditation is also a great way to center yourself and clear your mind. Check out our blog on Mindfulness Meditation to help get your started on your meditation journey.
When you are feeling overwhelmed with a 101 different thoughts going on in your head, completing a brain dump or journaling can be a useful tool. I even treat myself to an aesthetically pleasing journal to make it a whole experience. Write everything that is currently taking up mental space, and imagine yourself letting go of it as you write it.
If it's easier, start by using this journal prompt to guide your thought:
1. What's been weighing on my mind?
2. The thing that frustrated the most is..
3. I'd really love to let go of..

Organize the physical space around you
How can you declutter your mind, minimize stress and get organized as a mom?
You need to start by organizing your physical space. This means finding a way to separate your obligations into different piles based on the time frame in which they’re due.
You should try separating into these 3 categories: today, tomorrow and not yet due. When you are able to do this, it will make it easier for you to prioritize what is more important.
Start with a clean slate
One of the most effective ways to minimize stress and stay organized is to start with a clean slate.
Every day, start your day by making sure your kids are fed, well-rested, bathed, dressed and ready for the day. There’s nothing worse than feeling frazzled by the time you get to work because you didn’t have time for these simple tasks in the morning. Also make sure you’re doing all of these things for yourself before you leave for school or work. That way, when you get home from work or school, you don’t feel like it will be impossible to accomplish personal tasks.
In addition to starting with a clean slate each day, take care of any other major tasks that come up during the week — like laundry or dishes — on one day so they don't pile up over the coming days. It can also help to declutter your living space as time allows so that it's easier to find what you need.
Take care of any other major tasks that come up during the week — like laundry or dishes — on one day so they don't pile up over the coming days.
Get rid of things you don’t use or love
Moms often find themselves with limited storage space so they can’t keep everything they love. But the things that don’t spark joy should be the first to go. Keep only the things you use.
Many people have a tendency to store things in their closets or drawers, but what if you don’t have either of those?
Try an under-the-bed storage container instead. You might also need some organizational tools to help with this task. For example, a closet organizer will give you more room and allow you to stack your clothes according to type, size or color — something that would be impossible without one!
You can pick up a few cheap closet organizers from Target or any local store for less than $20.